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Community Trip 2025

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Friends of the Rainforest is organizing a community EcoTour to the Rainforest. Join our motley crew of staff, board members, explorers, and Rainforest Enthusiasts.

When: July 19th until July 26th, 2025

Where: The Children's Eternal Rainforest in Costa Rica

Who: Anyone!

Cost: $1,800 per person* + airfare (flying into San Jose)

*Price includes all food, accommodation, and in-country transportation for the length of the trip

This trip will include a stay at Pocosol Field Station in the Children's Eternal Rainforest, hiking the trails, bird watching in the morning with Costa Rican coffee, seeing all sorts of different wildlife, soaking in thermal springs, exploring the beautiful town of Monteverde, eating fresh fruits, ziplining through canopies, all alongside some of the most knowledgable and excited guides in Costa Rica.

While we have yet to finalize our itinerary for the 2025 Community Trip, you can check out the itinerary from our 2024 Trip to get an idea of what to expect (PDF link below).

Deadline to Sign Up: June 20th

Please email with any additional questions

Friends of the Rainforest is committed to our mission of inspiring kids and adults to protect and preserve the rainforest in Costa Rica and beyond.


We provide environmental education to schools in the St. Louis area, conservation grants to organizations working directly with the Rainforest, and organize EcoTours to bring students and adults to the Rainforest for on-the-ground study and exploration.

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T: 314.941.1257



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1324 Clarkson Clayton Ctr #312

St. Louis, MO 63011

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