Biodiversity & Peace Montessori Curriculum
The Montessori Institute for the Science of Peace (MISP) and Friends of the Rainforest (FOTR) are pleased to present an authentic learning experience that incorporates tropical ecology, peace education, scientific study and travel abroad in Costa Rica, reflection, global awareness, and youth empowerment and activism – designed especially for Montessori students. Our Biodiversity & Peace Curriculum Overview and Resource book are available to you as downloads. This original curriculum was designed by tropical ecologists and Montessori teachers and can be used in conjunction with an EcoTour to the Children's Eternal Rainforest, or just in the classroom and schoolyard.
NGSS-Aligned Curriculum and Resource Book for Public Schools
Enjoy all of the lessons in our original Biodiversity & Peace Resource Book, adapted for public schools and schools using NGSS. You may reference the Curriculum Overview above for background on the topics and on the Children's Eternal Rainforest. This curriculum can be used in conjunction with an EcoTour to the Children's Eternal Rainforest or just in the classroom and schoolyard.
The Curriculum Overview provides you with the history, rationale, and framework for the program. This can help you better understand how to use the lessons in conjunction with a trip to the rainforest, or justify planning one to your school administration and parents!
The Resource Book has activities and lesson ideas for you to use in your classroom. Don't forget to look around our website for additional articles and pictures you can use in class!
Our Biodiversity & Peace Curriculum Overview and Resource Book are available to you as downloads. All our curriculum is free to use, but we ask that you please credit Friends of the Rainforest if you share photos online. You can tag us @FriendsoftheRainforest on Facebook and Instagram.
Please fill out the basic questionnaire below to access the curriculum. This is so we can better track who is using our materials, which allows us to make changes that better serve you!