Huge thank you to the St. Louis Community Foundation for inviting Friends of the Rainforest to celebrate Give STL Day with awesome organizations from around St. Louis and to KSDK News for picking us out of a crowd and giving us some airtime!
Give STL Day is tomorrow and Friends of the Rainforest is celebrating! This is a very impactful fundraising day for us and our St. Louis community. Consider making a donation to us in support! Donate here:
Give STL Day is a 24-hour fundraising event for St. Louis non-profits. Friends of the Rainforest is dependent on support from our community to continue to provide life-changing environmental education to kids, helping bridge the gap between our backyards and the Rainforest.
Support us on Give STL Day and you support our Education, Conservation Granting, and EcoTour programs. With your help, we can continue our work of keeping the Rainforest safe and protected.